Paraclete Ministries
Our Mission Is to Help Believers Grow in Truth and Grace
Licenced Reverend
Ordained Minister

About Marsha
Dr. Marsha Rano is president of Paraclete Ministries, a ministry that promotes Truth; Paraclete Television Productions, a network television production company that spotlights issues in search of Truth; and Paraclete Marketing Agency, a consulting fi rm that advises in the discipline of theology. Rano holds a BTh, MTh, MDiv, and DTh, Christian Life School of Theology; a DMin, Beacon University; and is currently enrolled in a PhD research program, Middlesex University, London School of Theology, where her field of study is applied theology and ethics. Born in California, Marsha Scudder Rano grew up in the San Fernando Valley. Married in 1965, she and her husband, Tom, have two married daughters, and five grandchildren. God called one of their precious grandsons, Anthony, to his eternal home June 29, 2009. The couple has made Loveland, Colorado their home since 1978. They are members of Resurrection Fellowship, an interdenominational church through which Marsha is ordained to minister.
Rano Ministries
Paraclete Ministries
Paracletos Ministries is based on Isaiah 61. As a ministry we have been called to preach the Gospel to the poor, set the captives free, open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind and comfort those who mourn. Our ministry spans the globe and we long to see the Kingdom of God established in the power of the Holy Spirit, in splendor, righteousness and truth.
We specialize in being an advocate for our clients in the vast world of marketing. Marketing is so broad and can be daunting for many. We work alongside our clients, as true partners, to listen to their needs and concerns, offer advice, provide solutions, and execute marketing plans on their behalf, allowing clients time to do what they do best.
With everything happening in the world today, RIGHT NOW is the time to prepare. We need the Presence of God more than ever! Our online store will provide you with the tools you need to be prepared to be a bearer of truth.
Marcia Rano is a gifted communicator, a teacher who thoroughly examines the subject matter and impacts her students and audiences in such a way that changed lives are inevitable, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s Grow!
The Theology of Truth
True is that which conforms with fact or reality. Truth is not determined by personal feelings, popular vote, scientific consensus, or any human court of appeal. Truth simply is what is and is anchored in the God who created and sustains the universe.

Course Syllabus
A course syllabus can be looked upon as a roadmap of your course — it contains valuable information that will help you succeed and stay organized throughout the entire semester.

Course Leaders Guide
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In Person
In-person learning provides the chance to work directly with your classmates or ask your professor questions in the moment.

Learn new knowledge and skills in a variety of ways, from engaging video lectures and dynamic graphics to data visualizations and interactive elements.
My Philosophy
Together We Will
We grow together when we help one another.
We grow together when we encourage one another.
We grow together when we look out for each other.
We grow together. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you. Friends, let’s grow together!
Today, I am reminded that spiritual growth is very difficult if we live our lives in solitude. We all need each other, not only to encourage one another, but to help each other grow.
“Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you.” ~ Rom 12:1b, NCV
It is absolutely wonderful to learn different concepts as we study the Bible and pray. However, we grow together by encouraging each other in faith and in love, supporting each other in love, strengthening each other in faith, and building each other up. When we interact with others, we are able to practice and refine what are continually learning from God. And this is how we grow!

Truth Overcomes

Truth War: Discerning Truth From Error
Truth is a precious commodity that should be handled carefully, but today’s culture teaches otherwise in one form or another. Relativism claims that truth is always changing. Morality is by majority. If everyone says something is good, then it simply becomes good. Subjectivism suggests that something may be true for you, but not necessarily for me. Existentialism argues that the only truth is that which you can experience. Rationalism makes a god of logic, allowing the individual to decide what is true or untrue. Pragmatism forgets all about truth and simply searches for what works.
These and similar philosophies teach that there is no absolute truth relating to morality or doctrine, allowing for no definitive standards of belief or behavior. It is no surprise that secular society values pluralism and diversity higher than truth, but the same attitude has sadly infected an increasing segment of the church…As a result, many individual believers, churches, and denominations as a whole have forfeited biblical clarity in favor of moral and doctrinal error…
The temptation to embrace deception is great, and believers often accept it too much with too little discernment…Only as the church maintains a passionate love for truth and an intense hatred for error will it manifest its power in society. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 the apostle Paul issues an unmistakable call to discernment. This book by Dr. Marsha Rano addresses:
• The disastrous results of the indiff erence of the church in the face of the current trend toward moral, doctrinal, and political corruption
• The desperate need of the church to practice biblical discernment
• The practical lessons in cultivating discernment in the Christian life
• How to equip serious readers with a foundation for biblical discernment that will enable them to make careful distinctions in their thinking about truth.
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Thomas Jefferson
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Contact Marsha
Whether a Prayer Request, Praise Report, a Media Interview Inquiry or a Speaking Engagement Request – we truly want to hear from you. Know that you are held in the highest esteem by Marsha and her diligent team at Marsha Rano Ministries!
(970) 669-9443
1151 Eagle Drive, Suite 200
Loveland, CO 80537